Her First Time On The Farm

Her First Time On The Farm

Her name was Kelly, at the age of 15, she was only a Freshman in high school, but had the body of a well developed 18 year old girl. She was only 5 2 120 lbs. but had a fairly big chest, and a round ass. Every guy in her class wanted to fuck her, but they all saw her as prude and didnt dare to ask her becuase they knew she wouldnt do such a thing.

The summer was over, and Kelly was off to her aunt and uncles farm for the summer. She didnt have a boyfriend, so she really didnt mind looking over the far for about 2 weeks while her aunt and uncle were gone. She had been there tons of times before, and found it a fun place to hang out and talk on the phone to her best friend Keri.

They finally arrived and Kellys parents dropped her off. She ran over to her aunt who was waiting in the front yard. She ran over and gave her a big hug. After about an hour of talking, her aunt and uncle got into there already packed up car and drove off.

Kelly went around the farm to explore any new additions. She walked into the barn and saw a brand new horse. It was black with a shine to its hair. She opened the stall and pulled the horse out. Petting the horse with one hand she used the other to grab the comb hanging on the wall. She started to comb its hair and talk in a sweet voice to it. She dropped the comb, and when she went down to pick it up, she happen to see the extremly hard, and long cock of the horse. It had to be 10, 11 in. long! She had never seen such a thing. She never thought of herself as one to get "horny" but this cock made her so wet!

She slid her hand down he skirt and slowly rubbed her lips. She just couldnt stand it any more. She grabbed the hard cock and slowly started to stroke it. She looked at the horses head and he noded his it to tha same pace as she stroked his cock. She slowly slipped out of her skirt, and pulled down her panty hose. She wanted to feel the cock up against her chest so she slid her shirt off and slid under the horse. She put t... Les hele novellen

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Her First Time On The Farm

Varighet 47:07 min

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