Mandy and nick take anal sex toys to a new level

Mandy and nick take anal sex toys to a new level

A young couples tale of first time anal experiences, as Mandy, 18, tells of her boyfriend Nicks anal obsession, and how it unleashed her passion for wild, kinky sex...

Nick and I shared everything, eventually moving into our own place, close to university so it was easier for him to get to his studies. I was at college, but it was a quick bus ride. It gave us the freedom we needed to experiment sexually. We had been at it whenever we got the chance, at his place or mine, whenever our parents were out. Moving out meant we started to get a little kinky now and then.

From talking dirty to a little spanking during sex, we had lots of fun, but never really made any big moves till we were looking at porn on the net one night, and Nick told me he was going to buy me a dildo. The idea had struck me beforehand, but I had dismissed it as silly - why would I need a piece of plastic when I had a man about the house ?

He soon struck a cord though, and brought up something that wed planned forever to do, but had never actually tried - anal sex. Now, to be completely honest, we had tried it, in that he would stick his finger up my ass while licking me out, but we were talking about moving to a whole new level. I had expressed my fear of pain to him, and like he said - I could control a dildo, there was no way to get hurt.

Once he realised he was meeting no resistance to his idea, he was soon onto an adult sex toy site, and of course, we quickly found an "anal toys" section. My eyes opened wide as I was exposed to the most amazing array of butt plugs, beads, dildos, and lubricants I had ever laid eyes on. I knew such things existed, but the range was huge ! Of course, we had some money in the bank, and the credit card was soon out. Our little experiments were going to cost a little too much, but we saw it as an investment into our happiness.

Firstly we added a small butt plug to our basket. It was obviously made for the job, and so in the end we grabbed a larger one ... Les hele novellen

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Mandy and nick take anal sex toys to a new level

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