Old man/ young woman- a true fantasy- part 1

Old man/ young woman- a true fantasy- part 1

It all began last Saturday night. It is my normal routine to go dancing on

Saturdays. I do my usual thing in getting ready- showering, polishing my cowboy

boots, and other things. Ive been doing this for about a year now and as much as I

love to dance, I get kinda’ low sometimes as it seems Im always dancing with

attached women every time I go out. They’re either married or going with someone. My

wife died four years ago, and I truly miss her companionship. But it feels like I

have to do something other than sitting in front of the TV or the computer. After

all, I am still alive and kicking. I celebrated my 73rd birthday about a month ago;

and when friends took me out dancing on my birthday, I had a lot of fun (as usual,

it was with attached women). I think that I can really ‘cut a rug’ for being such a

big ol’ geezer.

On arrival at the local country-dance club last Saturday, I noticed that it was the

same old crowd. I ordered my normal drink; but this time, in nervousness, I asked

for a large glass. I have to admit that I get aroused dancing with some of the

ladies there- even the married ones! So, I wound up dancing with the usual partners

and a few newcomers- but not many. Despite my attraction to some of the women, I

have one avowed rule- never ever make a move (beyond friendship) with a woman

attached. And I never break that rule.

During a break, I went to get another drink, and I noticed a young woman sitting at

the bar and she appeared to be alone. Im an old white man, and I generally like

young Black or Asian women- but theyre hard to find where I go dancing (and hard to

find in other places I tend to be in)! So just about always, I find myself attracted

to young white women when Im out-and-about. Now I love dancing with any younger

women, especially if they are under 40-years-of-age. So I stood there sipping on my

drink, and watching to see if the young woman was alone. Since I was ... Les hele novellen

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Old man/ young woman- a true fantasy- part 1

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