True Fear

True Fear

“Strip naked and submit!” The voice cried out in the vast darkness. Then as if my obedience was pre ordained, I complied and standing naked in the darkness, I replied, “Take me.”

It had been a bad dream of mine for years. A horror filled fantasy of lust and revenge and rape. I had dreamed of it since I was twelve and now that I was twenty-two and out of college, the nightmare repeated itself even more frequently. I still remember the cold chilling feelings running through my body as I would awake from each episode covered in sweat and trembling.

The night became my enemy and I fought it and sleep until exhaustion would take me and for no more than two or three hours I would pass out nightly. The effects of my dreams were now invading my normal life and I knew I needed help.

SO I went to see two doctors and shrink and all three said the same thing, “Take this magic pill and forget it.” I didn’t take them but I did heed part of their advice, “why don’t you plan on going somewhere happy.” So I booked a cabin in the mountains and headed there for the weekend.

I had saved my money from work and I was single, for a guy who can survive on little to eat, I managed to hold back a few thousand in reserve, so I had the cash to spend. I packed up and drove up to the resort and after checking in, I relaxed on the secluded deck on the hot tub, so much so, I fell asleep.

I must have slept over half an hour because when I awoke I was wrinkled like a prune. I climbed out feeling refreshed and then dressed and sat back in the rocker on the deck and just watched the day slowly drift by. I was feeling somewhat better and I had no ideal why, but I was enjoying it greatly. When the sun began to sink my hunger grew so I slipped inside ordered a pizza and waited.

Thirty minutes later a man in his early forties arrived with my food. At first I opened the door completely unafraid or even thinking. I had a twenty in my hand and gave it for the box and as I s... Les hele novellen

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True Fear

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